How to create a page-speed friendly pop-up

In e-commerce, every second user waits for the website to load and costs you money.

That 1 sec. might be the difference between making or losing money on your ads.

But that’s not all, your page load speed also has an impact on your website’s SEO.

It’s really a big deal!

That’s why we are going to talk about pop-ups, their impact on page load speed and what you can do to minimize their effect.

Here are 5 things you can do to achieve that!

  1. Make sure you resize the images used in the pop-up to the right dimensions before using that. A 450px by 300px pop-up doesn’t need an image that is 2000px by 2000px. Resizing that image will reduce the image size as well!


  2. If possible, compress the image first before using it. The recommended size of image is 250kb. That will help you further reduce the impact of pop-up on load time.


  3. Don’t use multiple images in the pop-up! Having multiple images in the pop-up can not only confuse the users but also add to the overall load time of the pop-up. Try to have 1 featured image that is relevant to your brand and helps you convey your message.


  4. Don’t create an obstructing pop-up that disrupts buyer journey! Try to use recommended pop-up dimensions especially for mobile devices (Mobile: 360×640px, Desktop: 1366×768px)


  5. Don’t display the pop-up immediately… That’s like asking for someone’s number even before saying ‘Hi’. Let your visitors take a look at your site first and then subtly try to capture their information. How does this help your load speed? Your pop-up doesn’t have to render ASAP and that allows other elements of your website to load quickly!



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